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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Customize Facebook Fan Page from Static FBML

Facebook made their own language FBML (Facebook Markup Language) like HTML as we all know that but many peoples don't know this language also don't know, how to customize your fan page with FBML. This post will tell you about how to customize your Facebook  Fan Page by using Static FBML.

Follow the Steps:

  • First, you need to add Static FBML app on your fan page.
  • Second, Click on Add to My Page
  •  After it, you will see a new model window and click on Add to Page like below in pic [tut]
  • After this step, come back on your fan page and there you will see a new app named FBML 1on your vertical menus
  • Click on it, and you will see a new window with white blank, you will find a option of Edit Info click on it
  • After it, your page's Profile Setting Page will open, here click on the Apps

  • When you click on it, App page will open, here find FBML App and click on Go to App

  • After it, Your FBML's Edtor will comes , change the name of Box Title and add your HTML continent here like any image or anything as HTML.

  • Go to on your fan page and click on FBML tab and you will see your designed Facebook Fan Page.


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