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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Redirect Your Blog on Another URL

There are a number of reasons you may want to automatically send visitors to your blog to another URL or from one blog to another.For example if you moved your blog, if you had two blogs and wanted to focus one just one and cover both topics.Automatically directing visitors to another URL is actually quiet easy and only requires a snippet of code added to the top of the template.In this post i will show you the code needed to automatically Redirect from a Blogger Blog to any other URL.

Firstly i should mention some people don't like to be redirected and you should only direct to a site with similar content.If you redirect people to sales pages, sites with adult content or anywhere the user is uncomfortable with it will put your Blogger account in jeopardy.

For this reason the code i have in this post can be set to Redirect in an amount of time set by you.So you can set the code to redirect after 5 seconds and place a message at the top of the blog telling visitors they will be redirected.

Redirect Blog on Another URL

  • Login to Blogger > Dashboard
  • Go to Design > Edit HTML
  • Search for <head>
  • Paste given after <head> tag
  • Save your template.

      Click Here to Get Code

      Make Changes....!

      • Replace with your link

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