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Friday, February 10, 2012

STOP SOPA Ribbon Widget

You all known with term of SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act). This is a Kind of Act which is not good for Social Sites and not also good for the Internet users it bands the popularity of internet users and their scope. As you all know many big sites like Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, etc. is not agree with the SOPA Act and try to Stop them, and because of this act Wikipedia changed itself into black interface.

So. You also can support to STOP this SOPA Act, via add a widget in the corner of your blog/site.  

STOP SOPA Ribbon Widget

  • Login to Blogger
  • Click on below "Add to Blogger" button
  • Your Widget will add automatically.

What is SOPA?

The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) is a United States Bill introduced by U.S. representative Lamar S.Smith (R-TX) to expand the ability of U.S. law enforcement to fight online trafficking in copyrighted intellectual property and cunterfeit goods. Provisions include the requesting of court orders to bar advertising networks and paymentsfacilities from conducting business from conducting business with infringing websites, and search engines from linking to the sites, and court orders requiring Internet Services providers to block access to the sites. the law would expand existing criminal laws to include unauthorized streaming of copyright content, imposing a maximum penalty of five years in prison. A similarity bill in the U.S. Senate is tittled the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA)

What is PIPA?

PIPA- Protect IP ACT was introduced by the United State. Senate on May 2011 by Senators Patrick Leahy. If PIPA is passed then the US corporation and the government will have the power to take legal action on any website that they see as enabling copyrights. They will also have the power to use search engines, blogs sites, directories. Companies will also  have the power to use any website, if they believe that they are not doing any copyright job. these bills if passed sometimes good to the published who work hard and publish unique content but without copyright.

In Very Simple words, these are two bills which were proposed by US parliament to attack on websites that have copyright content and goods. Great this sounds good. but anyone have noticed if this bills have passed nnnnnnnnnthousands of websites and blogs owner which include such copyright content have been vanished completely with complete shutdown of their servers. Websites like Wikipedia, Google, Facebook web services would like have been attacked and stop indexing such sites and stop sending them traffic.

Effects of SOPA and PIPA on Bloggers....!

Effects ofSOPA and PIPA can be positive and Negative on the both the cases is true but how much SOPA and PIPA effects on the bloggers.
  • Investors would required additional returns on investment.
  • Investors will not put their money in copyright content.
  • There would be no facebook, Twitter, Box, Dropbox, Soundcloud, MegaUplaod, ect that can be targeted as a place where online copyright could take palce, and also think about the internet without these sites.
  • It could be sneak war between companies and sites.
  • Companies could try to peep out each other's sites by posting illegal content in their comments and on their forums.
  • By DNS filtering the sites will open more security risks and will slow down the systems.
  • Anti-Abortion activities may write a copyright-violating comments on blog to shutdown them.
  • Due to lack of resources, It will very difficult to publish articles on its own.
  • If these bills are passed then, Blog that share videos, wallpapers, movie clips, e-books etc. will be seriously affected, if they are linked t Megashare and Megaupload or Torrent.
  • Bloggers can be sued and their career in blogging can be destroyed.
  • Even if the attribution is properly executed the blogs and website could be shutdown for sharing copyrights content.

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