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Friday, June 8, 2012

5 Tips to Look Your Blog Like a Pro

Every Blogger OR Website Developer wants to make his/her blog/website very creative and looking like a Pro (Professional) and by after easy five tips you can make your blog Pro and Creative and that is very important for us.

Here are the tips to create an effective design for your blog that is user-friendly and can appeal to your blog readers.

An Attractive Header

Obviously, the header or the upper portion is the part, any visitor notices first. So, if you can design it creatively, it’ll have an impact on your visitors and readers and they’ll want to see more of your blog.

The header should look good along with the other elements used in your blog. It shouldn’t be too tall as otherwise readers with small screen sizes will have to scroll down to read your content. You shouldn’t make the header clumsy by adding too many elements like navigation, ads, etc. At Epic Magazine’s header, you can see how we have managed to keep it neat by avoiding Ads and other banners.

Strong Navigation

A strong navigation design will help your readers access different sections of your blog with ease. It’s good to have a navigation bar in the header, which will have links to major sections of your blog. Having a search feature in the header will help readers look for a certain topic and navigate within your blog. Creating a sidebar with links to your recent posts and most popular posts will help in greater page views, thus ensuring that you have better visitor experience in your blog.

Clarity and Readability

Making your site User-Friendly is an important factor. Readers those who find the content not arranged properly or unreadable may leave your blog. Your blog design needs to have a good clarity, that is elements like links, images, etc must look epic on your theme. You need to take care of the background color in your blog such that it blends with the text color.

Also, you need to emphasize certain elements like post headlines and important points in your blog post. Use of bullets, numbering and subtitles in your content will make your post’s  readability much better. You should give enough space in between lines and paragraphs, and use appropriate font size (12-14px) for your text. These elements assure good readability in any browser used by your readers.

Effective Usage of Visual Elements

Certain blog posts may require visual elements like images and graphs. So, make sure that you have such attractive visuals to help visitors get a grasp of your content easily. But avoid using too many images in your content. Make sure the images aren’t distorted. You should also avoid images having a variety of sizes and alignments. In short, the visual elements should complement the text.
The comment section should have a great design, as it will tell your readers that you care for their feedback. Good design will help you promote the comment section provided your content is good enough to attract the readers’ attention.

An Attractive Footer

Your blog should have a footer with helpful links leading to important and interesting sections of your blog. This will make readers browse through your blog once they finish reading a post. The footer can have links to the pages like Contact Us OR About Us as well as pages where you talk about promotions/rewards for your readers and guest bloggers. There can be a blogroll with links to useful external blogs with similar interests as yours. All such things can help define a brand for your blog.
The key to a great design is to include all elements that can make your blog user-friendly. This is to ensure that visitors find it simple and easy to scan through our blog.

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Hi....! I'm Hemant Verma, Graduate in Computer Applications in 2012, Love to Make Blogger Hacks and Like to Play with HTML and a Business Man. Read More....

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