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Friday, July 20, 2012

Guest Author Bio Widget with Mouse Hover

Guest Author Bio Widget is important for guest author be'coz when we invite any blogger to write any post then we have to give a description about her/him, end of our post. So, we have a special widget for it.

Hemant Verma

Guest Author Bio Widget

  • Login to Blogger > Dashboard
  • Go to Posting > Edit HTML
  • At the end of guest post paste below code
 <link href='' rel='stylesheet'/>

<div class='fbauthor_info'>
<div class='fbauthor_photo'>
<img alt='author' height='200' src='' width='200'/></div>
<h2><font face="verdana">This Post Was Written By:</h2>
<p> Hi....! I'm Hemant Verma, Graduate in Computer Applications in 2012, Love to Make Blogger Hacks and Like to Play With HTML and CSS and Now Going to Join Business. </p>
<table><tr><td><tr><img border="0"  src="" />
<a href='' target='_blank'><img alt='Twitter' src=''></tr></a><tr><img border="0" src="" /></tr><a href='' target="_blank"><img alt='Facebook'  src=''></a></td></tr></table></font>
<p style=' line-height:0px; font-family:Arial; font-size:8px; font-weight:bold; text-align:right;'><a href='' style='color:#CAC8C8;'>Get This</a></p></div>

Make Changes....!

  • Replace this link with your own snap link.
  • Replace  Hi....! I'm Hemant Verma, Graduate in Computer Applications in 2012, Love to Make Blogger Hacks and Like to Play With HTML and CSS and Now Going to Join Business. this author info with your guest author's info.
  • Replace hemantverma003 this twitter name with author's twitter name.
  • Replace COMPUTERS.TRICKS this facebook username with author's facebook page  OR author's profile username.

Note: Don't Change Anything from Codes be'coz All Codes are Highly Sensitive.

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Hi....! I'm Hemant Verma, Graduate in Computer Applications in 2012, Love to Make Blogger Hacks and Like to Play with HTML and a Business Man. Read More....

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